Role of KRI: Management and professional leadership of the project
Partners: Forza, Ukraine; Rakhiv District, Ukraine; Norria, Hungary
Duration: September 2012 – August 2014
Funding: Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI cross-border cooperation program, Slovak State Budget, own co-financing.
The overall goal of the project was to increase preparedness of local actors for emergencies resulting from the impacts of climate change at the local level. The project contributed to the implementation of the first climate adaptation activities in Slovakia, Ukraine and Hungary. Three local or regional strategies for adaptation to climate change were developed in Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine. At least 170 local public administration employees became more familiar with the issue of adaptation to climate change. Sixty teachers, active citizens and journalists were targeted and intensively involved in an information campaign on this topic. The publication „Adaptation to climate change – a brochure for those who want to know more about it and take active action“ was published.