KRI’s public response to the climate change podcast

On the news website, in the Loud in the Morning podcast, dedicated to climate change (with Mr. Kovac), information that is in direct contradiction with current scientific knowledge was heard. KRI published an open response to this.
Teaching at the University of Presov and Technical University of Kosice

Since 2013, KRI has been continuously sharing its knowledge with university students (first at the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences of the University of Presov and since 2022 at the Faculty of Economics of TUKE) within the subject „Good governance of territorial development at the local and regional level”. Topics covered by the KRI […]
Response to climate change in the residential environment

In professional circles, year of 2015 was spent in the spirit of preparations for the conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It took place in December in Paris. Why was this conference in the center of attention around the world? And why should Slovak cities be interested? Article in […]
Governing development of regions – case of Slovakia

Paper published at the ERSA 2014 conference View or download PDF
Linking city development and adaptation to climate change

While urban areas generally experience the same exposure to climate change as surrounding regions, urban environments exacerbate these impacts locally. Replacement of natural vegetation and unpaved areas with paved surfaces and buildings, high density of people, concentration of services and infrastructure, impacts of climate change on the city significantly worsen and have, respectively. they will […]
Municipal Development Done Differently

The role of KRI: Expert supervision of selected topics and their delivery Implementer: Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Safarik University Duration: January 2012 – November 2012 Financing: Tatra banka Foundation – „Quality of Education“ Grant Scheme Increased applicability of knowledge gained at the Municipal Policy course has been achieved thanks to its innovated form […]
Prerequisites for the optimal functioning of the regional self-government in the field of management of development processes

Paper presented and published in the proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference Central European Conference – Regional Economy and Politics, Košice. View or download PDF
Why is the regional self-government in Slovakia not currently a key player in regional development?

Article on the current status and role of regional governments in the development of the region published in the Regional Policy and Development section on the portal, 27 November 2008.
Are cities ready to increase the dynamics of the development of their territory?

Article published in the Regional Policy and Development section on the portal.