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So that the city does not burn –  guide to climate-conscious city planning with an emphasis on mitigating urban island heat with green infrastructure

The ambition of the document is to offer concise and comprehensible educational material that will enable more conscious and effective planning of city development in times of climate crisis, development of green infrastructure, reducing the effects of urban heat island, and last but not least – raising awareness and motivating city employees to actively address […]

KRI’s public response to the climate change podcast

On the news website, in the Loud in the Morning podcast, dedicated to climate change (with Mr. Kovac), information that is in direct contradiction with current scientific knowledge was heard. KRI published an open response to this.

Adaptation strategy of the Hlohovec city

Task of the KRI: preparation of the document Duration: June 2020 – October 2021 Financing: budget of the city of Hlohovec The vision of the city of Hlohovec is to ensure a climatically high-quality and safe environment for life and business in the city in the coming decades. In this context, it wants to set […]